Helping you organize your space

You probably know that your environment has a profound impact on how you feel and how you behave.

Yet, like many others, you might be tolerating a home with clutter, overfull closets and messy rooms.

At the very least this makes you feel unhappy with your home and unfulfilled with yourself.

Perhaps you’d love to get organised, but you put it off because it’s too much work — it’s too overwhelming.

But what if you could magically have your environment cleaned and thoughtfully organised, with no effort?

How would that make you feel?

Joyful, peaceful, clear-headed?

This is what I help my clients achieve.

As a professional organiser it is my mission to bring movement and harmony to your life by helping you make space to welcome the new.




Challenges with relationships, finances, health, weight, indecisiveness, change, stagnation, procrastination, clinging to the past, fear of the future, insecurity, and more.


I can help you create a nurturing environment by cleaning and organising your entire home: wardrobe, kitchen, storage room etc.




A family member moves out, partners separate, a loved one passes on, etc.

How I can help

When a family member is no longer there, I can help you give key belongings an honorable place in your home while thoughtfully archiving others. Together we'll transform your space for those who remain.


Family Archives


Traditional families or businesses that have historical collections (photos, documents, etc.) which they want to preserve.

How I can help

I can help you catalogue, organise and store your collections, while honouring and preserving the memories they embody.




During pregnancy you might feel overwhelmed with all the new tasks and responsibilities. Just preparing the baby room is already a big thing to be doing by yourself.

How I can help

I can help you organise your entire house, making space for the new member of the family. I can make a list of things you need for the baby room as well as optimising the space to support you and the new baby.


Post Partum


After birth, breast feeding, and the baby's irregular sleep cycle make it difficult to keep up with the usual housekeeping.

How I can help

I can clean, organise, prepare food, buy groceries, and fulfill other household activities.


About me


My name is Olga and I'm a PROFESSIONAL ORGANISER

I realised early on in life that letting go of things which I no longer used had a transformative effect on me.

I started helping friends organise their possessions. After we'd work together, I would witness complicated situations in their lives unravel themselves.

It was as if sorting out their living space, helped them sort out their lives.

I turned to this same process when I was faced with one of the most difficult and painful experiences in my life: the death of our baby daughter.

Rebecca was born with insurmountable medical challenges. 8 days after being born we already had to let her go.

The shock, the sadness and all our collective expectations — these were elements of the emotional storm that we found ourselves thrown into.

Clearing out Rebecca's baby room — hard as it was — was a necessary step to start moving through the pain. Reorganising our house around this new reality helped us discover a new future to look forward to.

Today I've made it my mission to help people make space for change in their lives.


Here's what my clients say